Welcome to the Hope Mansell Parish Council Website
Next meeting:
Monday 10th March at 12:00am
at Bailey Lane End Chapel
To contact the clerk, please email
or use the Contact us form
Herefordshire Council services:
Report a road problem
Flytipping and Litter
Highways and Public Rights of Way
Ditches and Drainage
Riparian Owner responsibilities
Good practice for management
Parish Council Process Guide
Minutes of recent meetings, click to view
Monday 20th January
Tuesday 12th November
Tuesday 10th September
For the council's planning policy, financial and governance information, please click here
To find out about Hope Mansell and neighbouring parishes, there is a lot of information on the Weston News website

Hope Mansell Parish consists of the villages of Hope Mansell, Bailey Lane End and Dancing Green (see map).
It is situated in south-east Herefordshire, near the border with Gloucestershire and close to the Forest of Dean.
We are a small and fairly spread out rural community, which includes a village hall, St.Michael's Church in Hope Mansell, and the Methodist Church of Bailey Lane End. We divide Parish Council meetings between the two communities, alternating between Hope Mansell Village Hall and the schoolroom at Bailey Lane End Church.
We live in a beautiful area and the Parish Council works to maintain that.